Matlab code for data-driven frequency response estimation

The code presented below implements the method for data-driven frequency response estimation of

I. Markovsky and H. Ossareh. A direct data-driven method for frequency response estimation using finite data. Technical report, 2022.

and reproduces the simulation results in the paper. An archive file of all functions and scripts can be downloaded from here.

Main function dd_frest

function Hh = dd_frest(ud, yd, z, n) 
T = n + 1; t = (1:T)'; m = size(ud, 2); p = size(yd, 2);

%% preprocessing by low-rank approximation
H = [moshank(ud, T); moshank(yd, T)];
[U, ~, ~] = svd(H); P = U(:, 1:m * T + n); 

for k = 1:length(z)
  %% form and solve the system of equations
  A  = [[zeros(m * T, p); -kron(z(k) .^ t, eye(p))] P];
  hg = A \ [kron(z(k) .^ t, eye(m)); zeros(p * T, m)]; 
  Hh(:, :, k) = hg(1:p, :); 

dd_frest uses the auxiliary functions for mosaic-Hankel matrix construction

function H = moshank(w, i)
if iscell(w)
  N = length(w); H = []; for k = 1:N, H = [H blkhank(w{k}, i)]; end
  H = blkhank(w, i);

and block-Hankel matrix construction

function H = blkhank(w, i, j)
if length(size(w)) == 3 
  [q, N, T]  = size(w);
  if nargin < 3 | isempty(j), j = T - i + 1; end
  if j <= 0, error('Not enough data.'), end
  H = zeros(i * q, j * N);
  for ii = 1:i
    for jj = 1:j
      H(((ii - 1) * q + 1):(ii * q), ...
        ((jj - 1) * N + 1):(jj * N)) = w(: ,:, ii + jj - 1);
  [q, T] = size(w); if T < q, w = w'; [q, T] = size(w); end
  if nargin < 3 | isempty(j), j = T - i + 1; end
  if j <= 0, error('Not enough data.'), end
  H = zeros(i * q, j); 
  for ii = 1:i
    H(((ii - 1) * q + 1):(ii * q), :) = w(:, ii:(ii + j - 1));

Example of using dd_frest

%% simulation setup
m = 2; p = 3; n = 10; Td = 200; 
omega = pi / 4; % frequencies over which to estimate the frequency response
B = drss(n, p, m); % data-generating system 
h0 = freqresp(B, omega); % true frequency response
e = @(hh) 100 * norm(h0 - hh) / norm(h0); % relative estimation error

%% true and noisy data
ud0 = rand(Td, m); yd0 = lsim(B, ud0); 
ud = ud0 + 0.1 * randn(size(ud0));
yd = yd0 + 0.1 * randn(size(yd0));

%% frequency response estimation with the proposed method
hh_dd = dd_frest(ud0, yd0, exp(i * omega), n); e_dd = e(hh_dd)

Numerical examples in the paper

The numerical examples in this section compare the data-driven method dd_frest with the maximum-likelihood estimator implemented in the function ident, and an alternative direct data-driven estimator spa__ with the Welch method to calculate spectral densities.

function G = spa__(yd0, ud0, omega) 
    omega = [0 omega(:)'];
    phi_yu = cpsd(yd0, ud0, [], [], omega);
    phi_uu = pwelch(ud0,    [], [], omega);
    G = phi_yu ./ phi_uu;
    G = G(2:end);

The simulation is in the errors-in-variables setup. First, we show the estimated frequency response function by the methods for a single noise realization. Then, we show the average performance of the methods obtained by Monte Carlo simulation.

Estimation of the frequency response function dd_frest_test1.m

clear all

%% benchmark-system
Q = [0 0 0 0.28261 0.50666]; 
P = [1 -1.41833 1.58939 -1.31608 0.88642];
B = ss(tf(Q, P, -1)); n = order(B); 

%% exact frequency response
[h0, Omega] = freqresp(B);

%% exact and noisy data trajectories
Td = 1000; ud0 = rand(Td, 1); yd0 = lsim(B, ud0); wd0 = [ud0 yd0];
s = 0.1;  wt = randn(Td, 2); wd = wd0 + s * norm(wd0) * wt / norm(wt); 
ud = wd(:, 1); yd = wd(:, 2);

%% do the estimation with the didfferent methods
hh_dd = dd_frest(ud, yd, exp(i * Omega), n); 
Bh = ident(wd, 1, n); hh_ident = freqresp(Bh, Omega); 
Bh = n4sid(iddata(yd, ud), n); hh_n4sid = freqresp(Bh, Omega); 
hh_spa = spa__(yd, ud, Omega);

%% plot the results
plot(Omega, abs(h0(:)), '-k'), hold on, 
plot(Omega, abs(hh_dd(:)), '--b')
plot(Omega, abs(hh_ident(:)), '-.b')
plot(Omega, abs(hh_spa(:)), ':r')
box off; h = gca; ax = axis;
h.XTick = [ax(1) ax(2)];
h.YTick = [ax(3) ax(4)];
xlabel('frequency'), ylabel('amplitude')
legend('exact', 'proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

plot(Omega, angle(h0(:)), '-k'), hold on, 
plot(Omega, angle(hh_dd(:)), '--b')
plot(Omega, angle(hh_ident(:)), '-.b')
plot(Omega, angle(hh_spa(:)), ':r')
box off; h = gca; ax = axis; 
h.XTick = [ax(1) ax(2)];
h.YTick = [ax(3) ax(4)];
xlabel('frequency'), ylabel('phase')
legend('exact', 'proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

Monte Carlo simulation dd_frest_test2.m

We show the performance of the methods as a function of the noise variance as well as the number of data points.

clear all

%% benchmark-system
Q = [0 0 0 0.28261 0.50666]; 
P = [1 -1.41833 1.58939 -1.31608 0.88642];
B = ss(tf(Q, P, -1)); n = order(B); 

%% Simulation parameters
omega = pi / 4; h0 = freqresp(B, omega); 
ea = @(hh) 100 * abs(abs(h0) - abs(hh)) / abs(h0);
ep = @(hh) 100 * abs(angle(h0) - angle(hh)) / angle(h0);

%% True data
Td = 500; ud0 = rand(Td, 1); yd0 = lsim(B, ud0); wd0 = [ud0 yd0];

%% MC simulation over different noise levels
K = 11; S = linspace(0, 0.1, K); N = 100; 
for k = 1:K
  s = S(k)
  for i = 1:N
    wt = randn(Td, 2); wd = wd0 + s * norm(wd0) * wt / norm(wt); 

    hh_dd = dd_frest(wd(:, 1), wd(:, 2), exp(j * omega), n); 
    Bh = ident(wd, 1, n); hh_ident = freqresp(Bh, omega);
    hh_spa = spa__(wd(:, 2), wd(:, 1), omega);

    Ea_dd(i, k)    = ea(hh_dd);    Ep_dd(i, k)    = ep(hh_dd);    
    Ea_ident(i, k) = ea(hh_ident); Ep_ident(i, k) = ep(hh_ident); 
    Ea_spa(i, k)   = ea(hh_spa);   Ep_spa(i, k)   = ep(hh_spa);   
ea_dd    = mean(Ea_dd);    ep_dd    = mean(Ep_dd);    
ea_ident = mean(Ea_ident); ep_ident = mean(Ep_ident); 
ea_spa   = mean(Ea_spa);   ep_spa   = mean(Ep_spa);    

figure(1), hold on, S = S * 100;
plot(S, ea_dd, 'b--')
plot(S, ea_ident, 'b-.')
plot(S, ea_spa, 'r:')
box off; h = gca; axis([S(1) S(end) 0 ceil(max(ea_spa))])
h.XTick = [S(1) S(end)];
h.YTick = [0 ceil(max(ea_spa))];
xlabel('noise level, \%'), ylabel('error $e_a$, \%')
legend('proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

figure(2), hold on
plot(S, ep_dd, 'b--')
plot(S, ep_ident, 'b-.')
plot(S, ep_spa, 'r:')
box off; h = gca; axis([S(1) S(end) 0 ceil(max(ep_spa))])
h.XTick = [S(1) S(end)];
h.YTick = [0 ceil(max(ep_spa))];
xlabel('noise level, \%'), ylabel('error $e_p$, \%')
legend('proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

%% MC simulation over different data lengths
Tmax = 1000; ud0 = rand(Tmax, 1); yd0 = lsim(B, ud0); wd0 = [ud0 yd0];
K = 10; TT = round(linspace(100, Tmax, K)); N = 100; s = 0.05;
for k = 1:K
    T = TT(k)
    for i = 1:N
      wt = randn(T, 2); wd = wd0(1:T, :) + s * norm(wd0(1:T, :)) * wt / norm(wt); 

      hh_dd = dd_frest(wd(:, 1), wd(:, 2), exp(j * omega), n); 
      Bh = ident(wd, 1, n); hh_ident = freqresp(Bh, omega);
      hh_spa = spa__(wd(:, 2), wd(:, 1), omega);

      Ea_dd(i, k)    = ea(hh_dd);    Ep_dd(i, k)    = ep(hh_dd);    
      Ea_ident(i, k) = ea(hh_ident); Ep_ident(i, k) = ep(hh_ident); 
      Ea_spa(i, k)   = ea(hh_spa);   Ep_spa(i, k)   = ep(hh_spa);   
ea_dd    = mean(Ea_dd);    ep_dd    = mean(Ep_dd);    
ea_ident = mean(Ea_ident); ep_ident = mean(Ep_ident); 
ea_spa   = mean(Ea_spa);   ep_spa   = mean(Ep_spa);    

figure(3), hold on
plot(TT, ea_dd(1:K), 'b--')
plot(TT, ea_ident(1:K), 'b-.')
plot(TT, ea_spa(1:K), 'r:')
box off; h = gca; axis([TT(1) TT(end) 0 ceil(max(ea_spa))])
h.XTick = [TT(1) TT(end)];
h.YTick = [0 ceil(max(ea_spa))];
xlabel('number of samples $T$'), ylabel('error $e_a$, \%')
legend('proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

figure(4), hold on
plot(TT, ep_dd(1:K), 'b--')
plot(TT, ep_ident(1:K), 'b-.')
plot(TT, ep_spa(1:K), 'r:')
box off; h = gca; axis([TT(1) TT(end) 0 ceil(max(ep_spa))])
h.XTick = [TT(1) TT(end)];
h.YTick = [0 ceil(max(ep_spa))];
xlabel('number of samples $T$'), ylabel('error $e_p$, \%')
legend('proposed', 'ident', 'spa', 'location', 'best', 'box', 'off')

Author: Ivan Markovsky

Created: 2022-09-24 Sat 18:13
