Low-rank approximation with applications
Invited lecture at the BioTensors workshop, 27–31 August
Structured low-rank approximation approach to sum-of-exponentials modeling
Invited lecture at the International conference on Approximation and Matrix Functions, University of Lille, 1 June
System identification in the behavioral setting
Talks given at the Seminar of the Department of Electrical Engineering, TU Eindhoven, 14 March
Data-driven signal processing
SeLMA Kick-off meeting, K.U. Leuven, 23 February
Sum-of-exponentials modeling and common dynamics estimation using Tensorlab
Interactive presentation at the IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, 9–14, July
Application of low-rank approximation for nonlinear system identification
Talk given at the Mediterranean conference on control and automation, Valletta, Malta, 3–6, July
Sparsity in system identification and data-driven control
Invited lecture at the Workshop on sparsity in applied mathematics and statistics, Brussels, 1–2 June
Low-rank approximation and its applications
Invited lecture presented at the The 11th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, Sofia, Bulgaria, 20–22, December
Innovation-based subspace identification in open and closed-loop
Talk given by Guillaume Mercère at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, 12-14 December
An outlook from past and current research on low-rank approximation
Invited lecture given at the DYSCO study day, Louvain-La-Neuve, 1 December
Application of low-rank approximation in nonlinear system identification
Discussion talk given at the "Nonlinear identification workshop, Brussels, 16–17, November
Data-driven dynamic weight measurement
Poster presented by Gustavo Quintana-Carapia at the International Workshop on Analysis of Dynamic Measurements, Berlin, Germany, 9–10 November
Data driven dynamic measurements
Talk given by Gustavo Quintana-Carapia at the Benelux meeting on systems and control, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 22–24 March
Scientometrics via low-rank approximation and completion
Invited lecture at the Vision, learning, and control group conference, Carys manor, UK, 23 March
Subspace identification with constraints on the impulse response
Talk at the ELEC seminar, Brussels, 4 March
Tensor techniques for latent variable modeling
Talk at the Numerical analysis seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1 December